How can counselling help ?
If you are finding motherhood tough, you are not alone. Mother's today have more information, responsibilities and pressures than ever before. It can feel like no matter what we do, it is never enough and that we are not enough. It is not surprising that mums are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, burned out and depressed in increasing numbers. But this does not have to be the standard, it is possible to enjoy motherhood and feel good about this amazing role that we get to play.
Counselling can help mothers to process unpleasant thoughts and feelings and find different ways to cope and manage when times get tough. Counselling can help you to worry less, feel less guilt, prioritise yourself and feel better about everything you do. As a counsellor, I am a highly trained professional whose job it is to sit with you and deeply listen, without judgement, helping you to process your thoughts and feelings and make the changes you want to see.
Persistent worries and anxious thoughts
'Mum guilt', self-doubt or feelings of not being enough
Feeling low, depressed or unfulfilled and not sure why
Identity crisis and not knowing who you are anymore
Putting everyone else first and feeling neglected or unsupported
Being dissatisfied in your relationships but not sure what to do about it
Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities
Feeling out of balance and like you are failing in one of more parts of life
Common issues faced by mothers
If this is you, then you are not alone and it is possible to feel differently.
Is counselling right for me?
Yes. If we are unwell, we go to a doctor, if we have an ache we go to a physiotherapist but for some reason we often hold back from getting support with our mental health and emotional needs. We often put everyone else's needs before our own and wait for things to be in crisis and have real impacts to our life, before we get help. I am yet to meet a mother who wouldn't benefit from counselling, but ultimately you need to be ready to take the step.
Counselling is a space that is all about you where you get to discuss your thoughts and feelings with a highly trained professional that will not judge you or tell you what to do. Counsellors are not about diagnosis and we will not put labels on you. Instead, I listen and we use talk therapy to work through issues, shining a light on them, understanding them and making them less scary and we build strategies together so that you can think and feel differently.
If you still aren't sure you can contact us and book a free 15 minute discovery session with Freya to find out how counselling can help you. Request a free 15 minute discovery session now.
What does the counselling process look like?
The most important factor in whether the counselling process will be effective is the relationship that you form with your counsellor. You need to have a good rapport, you need to feel safe, to feel heard and to not feel judged. The counselling process at Mumshine is designed to focus on building this relationship and making it strong, to help you feel safe and have confidence.
In the first session we will briefly run through the counselling process including confidentiality, privacy, check-ins and measuring success. You will have the chance to ask questions and make sure you are really comfortable and know what to expect. Once we cover off this part, it will be over to you to talk through what brings you to counselling and what is on your mind. When we have explored these issues, we will then chat through what goals you would like to achieve through counselling and develop a counselling plan to work through in coming weeks to ensure that you achieve your goals.
Each session we will then work through those steps and check-in to see how you are feeling about your progress and if you are getting the support you want and then we adapt the plan as we need. When you get close to achieving your goals, we then work out a plan for support post counselling, to ensure that you embed any changes and can continue your personal growth outside of sessions with a newfound sense of confidence and achievement.
At anytime you can decide to pause or stop sessions, we don't do 'packages' or minimum sessions, you are entirely in control.
Working with Freya
When you work with Freya, you not only get a qualified counsellor, you get someone that really understands. Whilst no two mothering experiences are the same, there are a lot of common challenges which mums face and Freya is passionate and committed to helping mums to overcome these challenges and enjoy their motherhood journey more. Freya listens deeply to you, your experiences, your story.
Freya will not judge you or your choices - she respects that you are the right parent to parent your child and that nobody else is better suited for the job - even if you don't feel that way at times. She knows and understands how hard being a mother can be. That there is no perfect choice, no 'right' or 'wrong' way to parent and that you probably feel inundated with information, opinions, judgements and comparisons on a daily basis that can make you feel like you are not good enough and choices and pressures can feel overwhelming. This is a safe space, away from all of that - for you to focus on yourself.
When you work with Freya you have her undivided attention as you work through your challenges. She will support and guide you in making tough choices, help you learn new skills and coping strategies and walk alongside you as you work towards a brighter life. If you want to work with Freya, she has a limited number of online sessions each week and you can book now via the below. If you are still unsure, you can also book a free 15 minute introduction call, to work out if counselling is right for you.